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Quick Links

Northfleet Technology College

The School Day

Lesson 1 8.50-9.50am
Lesson 2 9.50-10.50am
Break 10.50-11.10am
Lesson 3 11.10am-12.10pm
Lesson 4 12.10-1.10pm
Lunch 1.10-1.35pm
Lesson 5 1.35-2.35pm

Break & Lunch:

Sixth Form students are allowed access to the reception cafe and bridge during break and lunch. However, these must be kept clean to continue access.

Free Lessons:

Students are not required to be on site when you do not have lessons, however you can use the study area in Zone 6, the café and bridge to work independently.

If going off site, please remember to swipe in and out.



Intervention timetable TBC.