Sixth Form students at NTC are expected to wear the correct uniform and look smart at all times.
The general principle is smart professional dress/business wear.
Sixth Form Uniform:
Main uniform: Tie and shirt for males with full collar and button done up. Jackets, skirts and trousers must be in a smart, formal style and in material other than leather, denim, stretchy fabric or similar informal material (no leggings, skinny fitting, chino or jean styles). Hoodies are not allowed. No large Motifs or logos on items of clothing.
Skirts/dresses must be no shorter than one inch (2.5cm) above the knee and in material other than leather, denim, stretchy fabric or similar informal material.
Shirts/blouses may be long or short sleeved. No spaghetti strap, low cut or vest-style tops to be worn and shoulders must be covered.
Make-up should be minimal, discreet and suitable for a formal environment. False nails are allowed if of a suitable length and colour. Piercings should also be minimal, discreet and suitable for a formal environment.
Sixth Form students must wear footwear which is professional. Sixth Form students must not wear open toed shoes, sandals, sliders or trainers (Trainers may be worn as part of the Sports Academy uniform or Performing Arts uniform).
Outdoor coats should be of a formal colour and design with no large logos. No leather, denim or corduroy. Coats must be removed inside the school building.
Academy uniform: (as purchased through NTC) All academy students must wear their Polo-shirts and tracksuits to all lessons, Football students may wear their ¼ Zip tops and Basketball students may also wear the tech fleeces or jumpers. Both Football and Basketball academy students must wear academy training kit for all practical sessions.
Performing Arts: (as purchased through NTC) Performing Arts students should wear their jogging bottoms with the logo and initials together with their red/black polo shirts and red/black jackets. No Hoodies. They may also wear trainers.
All students: Headphones/Phones must not be worn or in sight. Hoodies and hats must not be worn. All outerwear should be removed at the start of every lesson.
REMEMBER: Lanyards to be visible at all times.