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Northfleet Technology College


At NTC, the health, safety and wellbeing of every student is our priority.  We ensure all staff, governors and volunteers share our commitment to safeguarding our students.

All school staff are regularly trained in safeguarding and are proactive in reporting any issues to our Designated Safeguarding Lead.  We are a caring school and are proud of our culture that ensures students feel safe to raise their concerns with an adult.

Our team

Ms J Allen - Associate Head & Designated Safeguarding Lead

Mr J Morgan - Deputy Headteacher & Safeguarding team

Mrs S Tinker - Deputy Headteacher & Safeguarding team

Mr S Gallears - Headteacher & Safeguarding team                                                                                                                 


If anyone has a concern about a student, you should contact one of the team immediately.

  • Email our DSL - allenj@ntc.kent.sch.uk
  • Speak to one of the team at school
  • Staff can log any concerns on MyConcern
  • Call 01474 533802 and ask for one of the Safeguarding Team

Out of hours contact:

  • Integrated front door: inside office hours 03000 411111
  • Integrated front door: outside office hours 03000 419191