Uniform and Equipment
Parents are advised that they agree to their children wearing the school’s uniform when they accept a place at NTC.
Support for this policy has been overwhelming in feedback from parents. Our rules are guided by a desire to ensure smartness but also that boys are properly protected from the elements.
Consequently, we will apply a range of sanctions as outlined in the School’s Behaviour Policy in order to ensure consistency in this matter.
Punishments can range from behaviour points to contacting home for a change of clothing.
Click on the link for the latest updates regarding hair styles and footwear:
Uniform and Equipment
N.B. The Sixth Form are expected to dress as appropriate for work in an office environment, i.e. jacket and tie etc.
- Black Blazer with school badge
- Black school trousers
- White shirt
- Summer polo shirt with school logo (Term 6 only)*
- Black fine knit ‘V’ neck pullover (no logos)*
- School tie
- Plain sensible black leather footwear with black soles & laces. Sports trainers are only to be worn when playing games and certainly not whilst journeying to or from school. We have purchased a stock of shoes which boys will be required to wear if they arrive in trainers. These will always be sanitised before another boy is asked to wear them.
- Under no circumstances are sweatshirts, sports tops or ‘hoodies’ to be worn.
- Dark coloured coats should be sensible and waterproof.
- Baseball caps and ‘hoodies’ are not in keeping with school uniform and should not be brought to school at all.
Click here to visit Price & Buckland.
Please place your order via the link: https://www.pbuniform-online.co.uk/northfleet
Indoor Kit:
- Trainers, black shorts, black polo shirt with orange trim (which is only available via the pbuniform link), white ankle sock.
Outdoor Kit:
- Trainers (or boots depending upon the sport) black shorts, black football socks, black rugby top with orange trim via the pbuniform link
Acceptable Optional Extras:
- Track suit via the pbuniform link (plain black), shin pads may be required for some sports.
Students are allowed to wear a watch and plain studs may be worn in the ear (two in total). No facial piercings or other jewellery is to be worn.
At NTC, we aim to present ourselves as a school community of presentable, respectable professionals, both in appearance and behaviour. We feel it is important to adopt a professional appearance through our school uniform and overall presentation. Therefore, student’s hair should present as smart, be of natural colouring, contain no patterns and conform to health and safety requirements. The NTC Uniform guidelines enable us to represent not only our school community, but also our local community in which we are all proud members.
PE Kit
Please place your order via the link: https://www.pbuniform-online.co.uk/northfleet
Indoor Kit:
- Trainers, black shorts, black polo shirt with orange trim (which is only available via the pbuniform link), white ankle sock.
Outdoor Kit:
- Trainers (or boots depending upon the sport) black shorts, black football socks, black rugby top with orange trim via the pbuniform link
Acceptable Optional Extras:
- Track suit via the pbuniform link (plain black), shin pads may be required for some sports.
Pens, pencils and rulers:
In order to make the most of your secondary education, you need to be organised and to have the correct equipment for the right lessons.
You should have a school bag in which exercise books, text books and other basic school equipment and resources can be carried without becoming damaged or dirty. Wet and muddy games kit, if carried in the same bag, will soon ruin books unless put in a separate compartment or container (e.g. a carrier bag); better still, PE kit should be transported in a separate bag.
Pencil Case containing:
- A pen (preferably rollerball or fine line)
- An HB pencil for general work and 2B and 2H pencils for Art & Technology
- An eraser
- A pencil sharpener
- A 300mm ruler
- Colouring pencils
Basic Mathematics Set containing:
- A protractor
- A pair of compasses
- Set squares
- A simple calculator
(The above can be brought either as separate items or as a set)
Other Useful Resources:
- A pocket English dictionary
- If you are studying French or Spanish a pocket Language dictionary
- A personal notebook / exercise book
- An apron which can be worn in Art and Technology to protect ordinary clothing – this could be an old large shirt
- A reading book