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Northfleet Technology College


The ambition, breadth and balance of our curriculum will take your breath away.

At NTC we aim for all our students to have the highest aspirations, and a passion for learning that goes beyond the boundaries of school and prepares them for their future.  

Our curriculum aims to develop a wide range of knowledge and skills, challenging all students to achieve their full potential and become principled and caring citizens.  

They will be: 

  • inquisitive and open minded about the world they live in 
  • resilient and persevere to overcome any perceived or real barriers 
  • confident communicators who can respond in a variety of situations 
  • reflective thinkers who can develop themselves and others 
  • risk takers who go beyond expectations 

We offer innovative and engaging lessons where our students are both challenged and intrinsically motivated, using failed attempts as building blocks to reflect and refocus until success has been achieved. We develop our student’s ability to question, reflect upon and improve their work independently, improving levels of resourcefulness and problem-solving skills. Targeted intervention ensure that all students meet our high expectations and they have access to exceptional careers advice that ensure they move onto to aspiration futures. 

Boys are actively encouraged to be ‘curious, creative and caring’. Leaders are determined to offer an ambitious and broad curriculum for all pupils.

Ofsted, 2022



Our broad and balanced curriculum aims to developing young people who are:

  • Curious to develop, use and share knowledge.
  • Creative in applying their learning.
  • Caring about themselves, others and the world around them.

Literacy is at the heart of our curriculum. This, alongside Numeracy, are fundamental to future success. All students in Years 7 and 8 have dedicated Literacy and Numeracy lessons which have been proven to substantially improve their ability to make better progress in other subjects.


The curriculum offer includes an emphasis on STEAM subjects (Science, Technology, Engineering, Maths and the Creative Arts), along with a wide range of sport, creative and vocational subjects.

From the summer term of Year 9 onwards, we are then able to tailor programmes of study to each student based on their individual strengths, interests and future ambitions through a comprehensive offer. We start this process a term early to enable our Year 9 students to build firm foundations for their further study in Years 10, 11 and beyond.

The curriculum is well planned and sequenced across all years, including the sixth form. The curriculum is bold and ambitious. Subject leaders have worked hard to create a curriculum that is hierarchical and developmental.

Ofsted, 2022

Our emphasis on a high quality and broad curriculum is blended with enriching experiences outside the classroom, ensuring our students are prepared not only for their examinations, but are encouraged to discover new talents whilst deepening the ones they already have.

Our Curriculum

Curriculum-Gallery (ID 1067)